Dragon’s Loyalty Award

A big thank you to DeliciouslyNell of I Need a Feed for nominating me for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award! I am fairly new to the blogging world and appreciate this wonderful new network of fellow food- and health-lovers. Definitely check out the I Need a Feed blog for lots of delicious recipes!

dragon's loyalty awardThere are several rules for this award…

  • Display award certificate.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Share 7 things other bloggers may not know about you.
  • Nominate others!

As promised, here are my 7 random “fun facts”:

  1. I am a huge puzzle nerd- I love crosswords, jigsaw puzzles, sudoku, etc. I once won a crossword competition in college. ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. There is never a time when I don’t have dark chocolate in my house. I need it to survive!
  3. Although I am pretty obsessed with my Barre workouts, and actually pretty good at it, I am an extremely uncoordinated person and frequently hit doorways when walking.
  4. I don’t own a car so I get a ton of exercise just from walking. My Jawbone UP tells me I walk an average of 5 miles a day!
  5. Before deciding on my Psychology Phd Career, when I was 8 I wanted to be a fashion designer and singer. (Note: I am a terrible singer and not extremely fashionable).
  6. I am obsessed with sushi. I am also obsessed with soy sauce and see nothing wrong with soaking each sushi piece in it before eating. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  7. I was once stuck on the Eiffel Tower elevator for over an hour. I was 12 and the only American! Now I have a fear of all elevators and am willing to walk up a ridiculous number of stairs.

Now for my nominations…

The Love of Food
Honk if You’re Vegan
The Jolly Beetroot

Not only have these bloggers been awesome supporters of my blog, but I am a huge fan of theirs! Happy Blogging Day!

3 thoughts on “Dragon’s Loyalty Award

  1. celestedimilla says:

    Congrats on your award Theresa! I feel for you being trapped on the Eiffel Tower elevator as a kiddo – how awful! I didn’t even need an experience like that to be afraid of elevators, I’ve had an elevator phobia for most of my life. Oh well – taking the stairs is good for us. Thank you so much for nominating me for this award – I really appreciate it! Celeste ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. The Jolly Beetroot says:

    Thanks again for the nomination Theresa (and congrats on your nomination!) ๐Ÿ™‚ How scary to be trapped in an elevator; I’m sure all those stairs probably add up on your Jawbone UP as well ๐Ÿ˜‰ Gotta admit, I definitely share you love of dark chocolate (mmmm!!)- Niki x

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